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The Future of Recruitment(Part 3): The Rise of the Superapp

The Future of Recruitment (Part 3): The Rise of the Superapp

The Future of Recruitment: Discover how X Corp, under Elon Musk’s leadership, has shaken up the tech industry by acquiring San Francisco-based talent platform, Laskie. With roots tracing back to a $6 million seed round

From Fulltimer to Freelance Consultant

From Fulltimer to Freelance Consultant

The first time I heard of ‘freelancing’ was in the early days of my career when working at an agency in London. I was interested in the ‘day rate’ world of work.

Outcome-Based GigOutcome-Based Gig

5 Reasons to Harness the Power of Outcome-Based Gig Talent

In the ever-evolving world of business, it’s important for organisations to adapt and overcome the challenges posed by the increasingly fast-paced and disruptive marketplace. The age-old model of full-time employment is being reinvented, with companies